Course Description

We often get questions from our patients about whether or not androgens can support their fertility outcomes, and we are sure you do too in your clinical practice. The field and evidence has evolved a lot in the past 20 years and our recommendations to patient need to be evolving with it. There have been some significant updates regarding DHEA and testosterone and the results may surprise you!

Continuing Education

0.5 category A credits (Pharmacology) with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (pending approval)

Course Objectives

This short, comprehensive course will provide you with the most relevant, concise information on the use of androgens in fertility care to help you answer patients' questions efficiently in practice.

  • The historical use of DHEA and its prevalence in the media

  • The theoretical mechanism of action behind androgens as it pertains to fertility care

  • Recent reviews of the scientific literature pertaining to the use of androgens and IVF

  • Potential applications of DHEA and testosterone in relation to IVF and non-IVF fertility care (spontaneous conception, miscarriage and IUI)

  • The best duration and dose of androgens, based on the evidence

Course curriculum


Zeynep Uraz, ND (she/her)

Zeynep Uraz, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, and an Associate Professor at The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine where she teaches Sexual and Reproductive Health and the Integrative Fertility Course. Her private practice is in an integrative setting on-site at Hannam Fertility Centre where she works with individuals and couples to support them with their family building goals. She leads the fertility-focus shift at the Robert Schad Naturopathic (teaching) Clinic. Zeynep has had a variety of speaking engagements on the topic of infertility including at the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society Annual Meeting, Institute of Women's Health and Integrative Medicine and the national conference for the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors. She has conducted research on the topic of diet and lifestyle in fertility, and has presented her research findings at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and the Canadian Fertility Society and Andrology. She is a member of the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society, a professional member of Fertility Matters Canada. She has been the Chair of Canadian Infertility Awareness Week from 2017-19. When working with patients, Zeynep believes in using an evidence-based approach and works with each patient's goals and needs to provide personalized care.

Alan Vu, ND (he/him)

Alan Vu, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, and a Clinical and Academic Adjunct Faculty Member at The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine since 2006, where he supervises in the teaching clinic, lectures, and does small group teaching. Alan is also a member of the Canadian Fertility & Andrology Society (CFAS) and a professional member of Fertility Matters Canada. He (along with Zeynep) ran a research study in collaboration with Hannam Fertility Centre examining the impact of a diet and lifestyle educational program on the quality of life, weight and stress measures in this population, which has been presented as posters at the conferences of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the CFAS. Alan has also presented at CFAS' Pre-Conference Nursing Symposium. In his private practice at Hannam Fertility Centre, Alan focuses on an evidence-based approach to diet and lifestyle as well as stress management techniques to help patients optimize their health and fertility. Alan loves practicing in an integrative care model to help patients better navigate what can be a challenging and confusing situation.

What you will get:

  • A thorough review of the latest evidence

  • Guidance on recommendations to patients based on this evidence

  • Clear and concise information to share with patients

  • 0.5 pharmacology credits with the College of Naturopaths (pending approval)

Sign me up!

Yes, I want to get up-to-date on the role of androgens in fertility care.